Sunday, December 28, 2008

She saw something in me.

I haven't posted in over a week due to the Holidays. The job search is still going, but slowly (also due to the Holidays). My family has been so blessed to recieve encouraging emails, phone calls, prayers and Yes, even checks to help ends meet. We have so many people that love us. I'm always asking "Why? What have we done that so stinkin' great?" I don't know that answer to that, but I am grateful nonetheless.
The holidays are a great time of year. I love the time of year to celebrate the birth of Jesus who saved us all. I wished everyone knew that. It's sad that some people only think its about giving and getting gifts. Don't get me wrong, we're as "American" as the next person, but I really feel sorry for those who don't stop to recognize what this season is all about. To be honest, there have been many Christmas' come and go and I would look back and think, "I don't know that I even gave Jesus' birth a thought." Sad. Very sad.
Let me talk about family for a minute. I realize that the Holidays are a time for families to get together and spending an "overabundance" of time doing nothing but eating, watching TV, playing games and working every last nerve of each other. I love my family. I have a great family, but I also have a hard time hosting anyone for very long. Heck, my family was only at my house for 8 hours and I was so ready to have the house back to myself that I was starting to actually feel ill. None of them do anything to annoy me. They are all fun and caring and low maintenance, but when I hit my hosting 'threshhold', everyone needs to leave. It's one of the many weird things about me.
Tomorrow is Monday (Dec. 29th). My 18th anniversary of being married to a very sweet, patient and wonderful wife. It's unbelievable what she has done for me and my life that I will never be able to repay or even calculate. Before meeting her, I was a total loser. I did drugs, I drank, and I had no direction in life. If I hadn't found her (or her me), I may be dead or at the very least living in a run down trailer house with nothing to look forward to but hanging out on Sundays with a bunch of other guys who never did anything with their life, watching football and drinking beer. Wait, that last part doesn't sound that bad. Anyway, I digress. Cindy saw something in me that no one else did. She saw potential. She saw more to me that I could ever see. She prayed for God to get ahold of me and change the desires of my heart. And HE did. It took about 8 or 9 years, but God turned me in a different direction. I may not be the greatest, most gifted, smartest or best looking guy in the world, but I have someone who loves me a lot and two of the greatest children in the world because of her. Sure, we've had some rocky times and still go through some rough patches, but we also know that we have to work it out becuase we have a lot more years in front of us. So, we'd better learn to compromise and love each other despite our "less than perfect ways" or it will seem a lot longer than it is. She's a keeper. I only hope that I am worth keeping as well. Bunny, thanks for 18 great years. I Love You.
Well, as the Cowboy game is getting ready to begin, I will close.

Until tomorrow, remember - "A faith not tested, is no faith at all".

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