Thursday, January 22, 2009

The "Blue Tool".

I want to take some time today to put some thoughts down about one of the many things that really get under my skin. I've decided to vent about the people who think that walking around in public with a small device stuck out of the ear is cool and appealing to others. On behalf of the nation of "non-toothers" - it ain't.

First of all, for those people who drive around for a living, making calls from appointment to appointment, this message is not for you. I can certainly understand the need for something like this. If I had a job where I spent a lot of time driving around and unable to make calls from an office (or if I had a job...), I could see using this shiny, spectacular, wireless gadget. But for the average person who wants around the mall, grocery store, gym, walking track, or any other place where people can see you - Stop it! You look ridiculous! Can't you go 10 minutes without having to talk about your doctor's visit or what you should have told that guy in the office when he crossed you. Can't it wait?

Let's look at the "Blue Tooler" from two different perspectives - 1) The actual "Tooler" and, 2) everyone around you. First, let's look at what you probably are thinking about yourself:
  • "Man, Everyone is checking me out. They know that I'm a mover and a shaker."
  • "I think that girl over there thinks I'm making a very important business deal."
  • "I'm going to walk around the mall and act like I'm famous. Maybe someone will stop and ask for my autograph."
  • "I'll bet everyone thinks I'm a movie star/secret agent.
Next, let's look at what people actually are thinking about the "Tooler".

  • "I'm sorry. Are you talking to me? Crap, it's another "Bluetooth Idiot".
  • "Look at that guy. Who's he foolin'. He's probably talking to his "Mama".
  • "Well, well, well. If it ain't Mr. Gadget and his pacifier."
  • "For the love of everything holy - Please leave that "ear appendage" in your car!"
Well, it's official, I'll never be able to own such a wonderful piece of technology after posting this. I guess I'll have to wait until they come out with a device that is surgical implanted into my Cochlea. Until then, I'll have to crawl back into my 20th Century cave and make calls the old fashion way - from my car.

Until next time...


Lann said...

Tool is a good word for it, and it's users.

Erin said...

Before these came out we had a customer at my Sbux who always came in on her phone. One rare day, she walked in without her phone and we were actually able to have a conversation with her. My mgr asked her if she was going to get a blue tooth when they came out, and she responded that she was. I hadn't heard of this technology, and thought that it was actually a phone that fit on your tooth. I thought she was crazy!!! It was months before I learned what a blue tooth really was.